Oaks Africa: An Overview

We started Oaks Africa Foundation as a non-profit organization in Kenya, East Africa, on October 5th, 2015, and registered it under the Company Act (Cap.486) thus operating as a company limited by guarantee.

Oaks Africa Foundation is dedicated to enabling needy individuals to pursue their educational dreams. We do this by granting partial scholarships to meet their tuition and related costs. We firmly believe in ensuring these individuals have access to educational opportunities because this directly influences the creation of an environment where every individual has a fair chance to succeed.


Our Name Is Deeply Connected To Transformation And Growth

We chose “Oaks of Righteousness” in Isaiah 61:3 because it symbolizes people transformed and made serviceable for divine glory.

We are dedicated to creating lasting positive change in individuals’ lives and helping them change their environment once they achieve their dreams.


At Oaks Africa Foundation we derive our inspiration and motivation for service to the society from our Creed Statement, which states as follows:

“We believe an individual living under the yokes of injustices, oppression, and inadequate information brought about by glaring inequalities in the distribution of resources and opportunities can be empowered and transformed if we facilitate and impart appropriate knowledge so that they can be of use as “Oaks of righteousness” to rebuild and retrofit their own hitherto ruined infrastructure and systems.”


We envision a strong and empowered community that is in a symbiotic relationship with its environment, and with equal access to services and opportunities


We believe in the inalienable dignity of an individual. At Oaks Africa Foundation,  we attempt to supplement government efforts to address Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) under the guidance of our core values. In order to achieve this we mobilize resources for non-profit purposes, both from private and public sources, so as to empower needy individuals to meet their lifetime educational goals.



Integrity in management of funds and other resources at our disposal.


We foster collaborations with relevant government agencies in discharging our mandate.


We strive to listen and learn and to model openness and transparency.


We are accountable to each other, to our creed, to our development partners, and to society at large.

Project Area & Thematic Areas

Our primary focus is Africa, starting in Eastern Africa with operations in Kenya’s Bomet and Kericho Counties. Despite rapid regional growth, millions lack basic services and opportunities, especially women and youth.

Oaks Africa Foundation addresses these inequities through collaboration with local communities and development partners, focusing on three areas:

  1. Education
  2. Green Growth Infrastructure (Afforestation and Reforestation)
  3. Water and Sanitation

Currently, we concentrate on Education due to limited resources.


Eng. Onesmus Kipkirui Arap Maritim
Engineer Onesmus Maritim

He is the Chairman and Founder of the Foundation and has over 30 years of working experience in Water Processing and Machinery Utilization.

An engineer by profession, he is also a missionary committed to faithful service. He values integrity and quality. He strives to holistically contribute to individual development and the advancement of humanity.

Patricia is the Foundation’s Chief Financial Advisor/Accountant. She is a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)  who completed her course in Kenya and is also licensed in the State of Virginia, USA. She has over 15 years of accounting experience in corporate and field accounting and is an invaluable asset in fund mobilization, accounting, and auditing.

Patricia Chepkurui
Chepkurui Maritim
Beryl Chelang'at
Beryl Chelang'at

Beryl is a seasoned Public Health professional with over 12 years of management experience in the public and private sectors. With a track record of managing complex public health projects that drive social impact, she is known within the industry as a go-getter. Beryl is currently pursuing her PhD studies and is an invaluable asset as a Trustee and Resource Mobilization Manager.

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