Scholarship Renewal

Students admitted into the OAF scholarship program, and who meet the following terms and conditions, will be awarded annual renewals as funds are available through gifts to the Oaks Africa Foundation.  The following terms and conditions serve as a guide in granting annual renewal of scholarships:

  • Any request for changes in the amount of the student’s bursary award must be sent by the partnering institution to the OAF office prior to February 1 for September renewals and prior to July 1 for January renewals. In order to qualify a student must have :
    • Maintained good standing and participated in local activities assigned by partnering institutions
    • Maintained good academic standing (C+ and above) with educational institution
    • Been mentored on a regular basis by representative of the partnering Institution or its assignee
    • Maintained responsibility for communicating each term with the OAF organization, and provide accurate updates of contact information and financial information.
    • Maintained a valid e-mail address, and is responsible for providing the OAF office for changes in status such as graduation dates, etc.

Oaks Africa Foundation (OAF) Alumni

A primary goal of OAF is to establish long-term relationships with its student alumni and partnering institutions.  One of the reasons that OAF works through Partnering institution – student partnerships is to maintain communication with alumni.  This partnership enables our ministry to know the students’ stories, and share their experiences through appropriate means with our brothers and sisters who would support this foundation (i.e., newsletters, fund raising events, conferences) and would be greatly appreciated by our Board members and our staff.

OAF asks its scholarship recipients to consider becoming active OAF Alumni, by providing periodic “Alumni Reports.”  An update report would be requested within six months of graduation, after one year, and annually.  Our organization is interested in knowing how the partnership prepared you for service, how this experience affected your educational, vocational, and spiritual growth, and how the Almighty God continues to use you as “oaks of righteousness” planted for His glory for the benefit of humanity. These reports would provide a valuable tool for evaluating this ministry and its effectiveness. It is vital for the growth of our foundation that communication with OAF Alumni be maintained. We believe that such follow-up commitment would facilitate added blessings and benefits among all participating partners. In order to make the transition from student to alumnus, OAF will send graduating seniors an exit interview. Please e-mail the completed form to  before graduation.


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