Oaks Africa Foundation (OAF) Resource Mobilization Policies

The following policy statements issued by the Foundation Board of Trustees to both executive team and fund development team reflect the Board’s principled approach to resource mobilization activities. The Board intends OAF’s resource mobilization efforts to be guided as follows:
  1. As an organization founded on Christian principles to serve all people irrespective of their faith inclination, our  resource mobilization efforts are therefore just to make our needs known to them clearly, concisely, poignantly and passionately, actively inviting and encouraging donors to heartfelt, generous and cheerful giving.
  2. We are disciplined by purpose statement: The purpose statement of OAF is outlined in the objectives of the Foundation clearly stated in our registration legal document “articles and memorandum of association”: We will raise funds to meet genuine needs within the context of the purpose statement of OAF. If however the donor sends funds for a program that is not within the bounds of our purpose statement, we will either treat them as restricted funds (ring-fenced) to be channeled through an organization that can carry out the donor’s intent or return the funds to the donor.
  3. Full disclosure: We will practice complete financial disclosure and stand accountable to ourselves, and our supporters/development partners in the determining of need and mobilizing and spending funds. This will include publishing an annual report with audited financial statements, sending audited financial statements to anyone who requests them and honoring any reasonable request to inspect our financial records and expense reports.
  4. Truthfulness in communication: All representations of fact, description of financial condition, or narrative about events must be current, complete and accurate. There may be no material omissions or exaggerations of fact, or use of misleading photographs, or any other communication that might lead to create a false impression or misunderstanding.
  5. The role of persuasion: We are compelled to be passionate, persuasive, and urgent about our resource mobilization efforts because the task is urgent and great and our foundation has integrity and has measurable outcomes to show as lives are changed by our interventions. In our appeals however we are compelled to be straightforward and sincere in our relationships and communications.
  6. Donor expectations: Fund raising appeals must not create unrealistic donor expectations of what a donor’s gift will actually accomplish within the limits of OAF’s mandate.
  7. Communication and Donor intent: All statements made by OAF in resource mobilization appeals about use of the gifts/grants must be honored. The donor’s intent is related to both what was communicated in the appeal and to any donor instructions accompanying the gifts/grants.
  8. Incentives and premiums: When appeals for funds offer premiums or incentives, the value of which is significant in relation to the amount of donation, the donor should be advised of any non-deductible value of the premiums or incentive for tax purposes.
  9. Reporting: Whenever requested OAF will provide a report on the project for which it is soliciting funds.
  10. Risk capital and resource mobilization: OAF will not use risk capital to finance a resource mobilization project.
  11. Percentage compensation: Compensation of anyone involved in the resource mobilization process may not be based directly or indirectly on a percentage of what is raised or any other contingency agreement.
  12. Tax-deductible gifts for personal benefit: Tax-deductible gifts may not be used to pass money or benefits to any named individual for personal use or to pay tuition or other expenses that should be a personal expense.
  13. Commissions and gifts to insiders: Employees, officers, directors and other principals (and their family members) of OAF may not accept finders’ fees, commissions, or payments of any kind from any person or entity doing business with the organization.
  14. Conflict of interests on royalties: OAF will avoid conflicts of interest by not paying royalties for a copyrighted product to officers, directors or other principals of the organization in instances where that product is used for resource mobilization and or promotional purposes by OAF
  15. Acknowledgement of gifts in kind: When property or gifts in kind are received by OAF the acknowledgement should describe the property or gifts very accurately without a statement of the gift’s market value. It is the responsibility of the donor to determine the fair market value of the property for tax purposes.
  16. Matching-grant[1] challenges: OAF believes matching-grant challenges can be a legitimate part of its resource mobilization program provided that :
    1. The donor actually specifies that the gift is given on matching basis
    2. Both the Challenge grant[2] and the matching funds are specifically accounted for and
    3. Promotion of the grant ceases when the grant has been matched.
  17. Endorsements: Endorsements may be used in OAF resource mobilization provided the endorser has given written approval to use the quote and /or photo and has demonstrated interest and involvement in the foundation.
  18. Consultants: OAF may use resource mobilization consultants as necessary provided that
    1. OAF retains total control of the content of any donor communication, and
    2. A set written price agreement is signed before any donor communication effort initiated.
  19. Maintenance of the OAF donor base: OAF will maintain its own donor base unless by specific Board approval a third party is authorized to do this on OAF’s behalf.
  20. Renting or exchanging lists: OAF will not rent or exchange its donor lists with any organization. OAF may rent available mailing lists of other organizations.
  21. Publishing donor names: OAF considers all donor records confidential and therefore as a general policy will not publicize donor names. The only exception is when the donor requests it and when there is a specific agreement ahead of time between
  22. Government funds: In accordance with Board policy, OAF will receive no government funding as a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO)
[1] A matching gift also known as matching fund is a gift made to your organization by a matching donor (e.g. a foundation) under the provision that another donor (e.g. an individual) first makes a gift toward that organization [2] A Challenge grant is paid if and when your organization is able to raise sufficient additional funds from other sources, which may be used to stimulate giving from other donors
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